I do my work at the intersection of magick and energy and intuitive strategy and practicality.
Embodied Feminine + Divine Masculine
Sustainable Impact

"Heather brought a very strong feminine energy into my work zone...
Through creating such an authentic connection... she was able to empower me to embrace this energy, get creative, and to get real about who I want to work with. My biggest breakthrough with Heather is that I now have a clear target market that aligns with me authentically, and some tools in my toolbox to combat fear and procrastination when they pop up!
If you're thinking of working with Heather do it immediately. The outcomes are not one offs but lasting shifts worth way much more than a value can even be put on."
Danielle Bartolini - Ramble Sorter, Australia

There really is no step-by-step process or one size fits all method that is going to be successful for every person because we all have different energetic needs and varying capacities and a unique signature in the world.

Ways you can work with me right now!

So often the work I do with my clients is tailored to whatever is alive for the client in any given present moment. Because truly I believe that the roadmap to success lies within our own hearts and my job is to help be a guide on that journey and help remind you to turn inward and seek the answers from within.
So my coaching and mentorship style is a very intuitive style that focuses on whatever is coming up the present moment and is also about noticing patterns to acknowledge and recognize what things may need to be cleared away in order to continue stepping through the doors of expansion and moving forward on the pathway to personal and professional success.